
I was recently asked, “Why a horse program?” I replied with an explanation of what we do, whom we serve, and even the benefits of the work. But I did not fully answer the question, and it is an important question. The short answer is that every child deserves a chance to thrive.

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All youth needs an opportunity to explore, attain, and reach beyond their potential. Yet so many programs, schools, approaches, and activities leave children behind. Too many children are not thriving, but instead are struggling in traditional settings. Not only are they not reaching their potential, the potential is not even acknowledged.


The reality is that every child has strengths, every child has abilities, every child has the capacity to thrive. How do we tap into these assets? How do we encourage positive development?


We take a positive approach. We work from a strengths based perspective rather than deficit view. We encourage and build and support. We provide an environment that cultivates creativity and exploration, risk-taking, and decision-making.


People who believe in the individual and collective strength of our youth created LEAD. We believe in equine assisted education and therapy because we have seen it work. We know this approach nurtures young people and helps them develop as individuals and members of our community. Children are recognized as valuable individuals with something to offer.


Youth are expected to take an active role in their development as partners with a horse. The program environment is one of growth and support, and participants are encouraged to try new things, learn from their mistakes, and have fun while gaining new skills and knowledge.


Youth expand their world, learn to care for others, develop relationships, improve their cognitive and social abilities; gain confidence; and develop character in a physically, intellectually, and emotionally stimulating environment that provides safe spaces to grow, learn, and enjoy life.


Then they can thrive!